Angels museum - Sacred Art center


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Working hours:
I 10:00 — 17:00
II 10:00 — 17:00
III 10:00 — 17:00
IV 10:00 — 17:00
V 10:00 — 17:00
VI 10:00 — 17:00
VII 10:00 — 17:00

In 2010, the first unique Angels museum opened its doors in Anykščiai. The collection of angels was donated to the museum by the cultural figure Beatričė Kleizaitė-Vasaris. The collection contains 109 painted, wooden, ceramic, glass and other angels, which look forward to meeting the visitors of the museum. Here you will see the works of folk artists and the old sacred folk art, including Leonas Strioga and Vladas Vildžiūnas. This collection is constantly supplemented by new angels and plain-air works by various artists.

Anykščiai Centre of Sacred Art keeps and exhibits the collection of art and library owned by Monsignor Albertas Talačka, the long-time parson of Anykščiai St Matthew's Church. The collection of the Monsignor consists of more than 50 works, including the paintings of Carlo Maratti, Johann Baptist Lampi, Simonas Čechavičius, Jonas Rustemas, Antanas Žmuidzinavičius, Kazys Šimonis, Česlovas Kontrimas, etc. The library contains more than four thousand valuable books and about 400 manuscripts.
The Centre of Sacred Art hosts events and educational activities.

Working hours, Tour prices:



  • rūta

    ANGELŲ muziejus _vieta,kur vel ir vel norisi sugrįžti.

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