The exposition at the Visitors' Centre of Anykščiai Regional Park will introduce you to the unique objects of the park. The main topic of the exposition is the natural and cultural heritage, revealed in a number of literary works.
The exposition is rich with audio-visual material. Interactive maps provide not only the exact location of these objects, but also detailed information about them with pictures and videos. In only a few strokes of your fingertips you will find out the purpose of the reserves of the park and what they protect. You will hear the legends and tales about protected trees, boulders and mysterious locations... Literature lovers will be fond of the recitations of the excerpts of the works by the most famous authors of Anykščiai. Sitting comfortably on soft "stones", you will be able to look through a constantly supplemented collection of cartoons and documentaries stored at video terminals, as well as various other videos about the region of Anykščiai. All that under one roof!
