Traupis Botanical Garden receives excursions from all over Lithuania and foreign countries, here students – future biologists – also have their practicum. Every summer the Botanical Garden and its blooming sakuras attract botanists from Germany, America, Finland, England, Australia and even Japan. This is the only Botanical Garden in Lithuania that belongs to a school, it was started in 1989 by the initiative of the Headmaster of Traupis School. During 15 years the area of the garden expanded 5 times. The school is surrounded by collections of perennial flowers, rock-gardens, decorative pond with water plants, etc., so currently the entire territory of the school is turned into a botanical garden. In total Traupis Botanical Garden can be proud of more than 5000 types, forms and species of plants.
Duda pučia rūrą.taupo kurą.apžėlęs dudutis.melagis.
Šiandien, vienos mūsų grupiokės virualiai buvo pristatytas Trapio botanikos sodas. Kokia gausą augalų ir jų spalvų pamačiau. Labai gražu, stenksimės aplankyti gyvai.
Kazkada gal ir buvo grazu. Dabar zole nepjauta, takeliai nepriziureti ir is vis - visur piktzolynas. Neverta gaist laiko, gadint nuotaikos ir degint kuro. Sia nuoroda reik trint is interneto ir nebeklaidint zmoniu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labai nustebimo: tokia gausa augalų!