You are invited to visit the farm and the animals which live there. We
are open from 11am. to 4 pm. Visitors will see rabits, sheep, cows,
horses, chicken, turkeys and other animals. Price for children: 2€;
adults – 3€.
Educational programs.
Anūkis offer various educational programes in the farm. One of which
is „Waiting for Christmas“ – for families and children. Visitors will get
to know about local traditions of Christmas, make a toy for themselves,
drink tea and eat delicious home-made food. Price:7€ p/p.
Educational program „The way of Wool“ is for younger visitors and
families. This program introduces us to the way of wool – we will see
sheep, listen to what happens during the process of making the wool,
make a woolen toy for yourself and try home-made food and tea. Price
– 7€ p/p.
Anūkis also organises events such as birthdays or Company events. Catering
is available on request, as well as karaokė, just dance game, etc.
Prices can be found here:
Anūkis offer Hall rent for birthdays, parties and various celebrations.
Leisure time with Anūkis‘s horses! We invite you to go for a ride with
one of our strongest horses „žemaitukas“.
Bebebebe, Nekvailiok Anūkis (Anykščių ūkis) Nuostabus.
Puiki edukacinė programa su vaikais pusvalandžiui-valandai! Atvykome anksčiau nei nurodytas darbo laikas, tačiau buvome maloniai priimti. Visi paslaugūs ir puikiai išmanantys gyvūnėlių istorijas. Ačiū! :)
Susitvarkykit darbo laika. Atavziuoji is kito miesto ir niekas nedirba!!!!
Vaikai liko nepatenkinti...niekam nerekomenduociau,nes nera kas ziureti,ukis mazas,o kaina tai nemaza...
Kodėl taip brangiai? 10min 10€?